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Our   Impact

Nicholas's Story

"It’s these experiences that have a massive impact on Nicholas and highlights how amazing he is and how opportunities like this can be accessible to all, no matter what the disability."

Lewis's Story

"Basically I had a hard school life as such as I couldn't really concentrate. I struggled with Dyslexia. There were no opportunities or people really trying to help me. So then I ended up going to College and Bumpy. "

Penny's Story

"Over the course of the sessions my confidence has grown, my enjoyment has soared and I’m now seriously considering taking my bike test and buying a trail bike."

Owen's Story

"Growing up I've seen that I could become a volunteer. I then started to do a bit of training to get myself up to be able to become an instructor. I've learned quite a lot of skills. I can be a lot more confident in myself. It's built my self esteem up a lot."

SJ's Story

“I no longer want to be in trouble with the police, I don’t want to go to jail and have a record for the rest of my life”

T's Story

T was referred to Bumpy following issues within school, his ADHD medical condition is controlled by medication, and he also has SEMH issues. T was already involved in riding motorcycles illegally around the street within the local community.

CP's Story

His life is quite chaotic and he doesn’t know where he fits in. Behaviour at school is poor. CP was referred through the youth offending team and school. It was thought that being out working in a small group would help with confidence issues and low self -esteem.

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